Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Indian Govts Worst Ever Crisis

Now a serious situation is visible in all walks of life.Just because some scams have erupted every undermining the executive Powers of the Govt. Judicial activism and CAG activism posing a threat to the Parliament and Executive Powers of the Govt. Some Constitutional authorities too much asserting their positions questioning the policies in a negative way.,Finding fault  and questioning the credentials is the way of life for some higher bureaucrats.All their actions and their timings to publish their findings help the opposition to target the govt vehemently. Initial drafts are projected as final drafts. With the help of some medias hostile to Govt these bureaucrats indirectly seem to feed some materials which will sensationalise the matters.Without regreting for their actions these medias fuelled the fire. Now in these circumstances Army Chiefs actions cause too much embarassment to the Govt. For the last 60 years no other Army Chief behaved like this. Having lost the battle in Supreme Court  He is undoubtedly causing severe embarassment to the Govt. Gravity of the situation is such that it will go out of control. How can so far he told that our borders are well guarded and we would give a fitting reply to the aggressors?  Unique and unforeseen situations are created. Some party taking advantage of the situation indulging in mud slinging. No other country can witness such situation...

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