Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Second wave of reforms

Now Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has initiated so many reforms in the past fifteen days.Unruffled by criticism he had begun to swing into action. undeterred by opposition of both the left and the right he had silenced the critics for underperforming. Now one coalition Partner walked out of the ruling front against reforms.That party Trinamool Party fearing of the left in WestBengal doesnt allow reforms so far. Now they are thrown out and things are moving correctly.Without minding the numerical calculations in Parliament PM and Congress indulge in welfare and reform measures. The main reform in allowing the FDI Retail up to 51%  is notified subject to the federal states wishes.The falling rupee is arrested and 4%appreciation is seen within seventy two hours.Diesel the most subsidised product is hiked by 11%. With mounting opposition these reforms are taken to save the rupee.Cooking subsidised gas is restricted for smaller volumes. Another wave of reforms in Pension and insurance sectors are in the pipeline.The electricity boards are restructured from financial losses. So more measures are coming in the near future.Because of some unproved scams some hesitation in reforms and now Indian Economy is going in the right direction.the complexity of Indian politics is so wide that left and conventional parties donot allow reforms. The Govt is bold enough to  handle the situation and will come out flying colors to the aspirations of millions of reformists.

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